Early Music Foundation
Early Music New York
Frederick Renz, Director
18th Century Orchestral Works
Frederick Renz will treat Early Music New York’s audience (and himself) to works from his favorite historical period, the late 18th century. Familiar composers Haydn, Mozart and C.P.E. Bach will be juxtaposed with the less frequently heard Berezovsky and Reicha, for another memorable evening with Early Music New York.
Saturday, October 26 at 7:30 pm
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Central Park West at 68th Street, NYC
(program subject to change)
$40.00 open seating
$20.00 student (w/valid ID, available at door, day of)
Tickets available by phone (212-280-0330), on-line (www.EarlyMusicNY.org) and at the door, half an hour prior to performance. Group discounts available by telephone. All major credit cards accepted.