As North America’s premier organization supporting, promoting, and publicizing early music, we offer several options for you to target your reach to our wide range of constituents. Questions? Please email or call 412-642-2778 ext. 201
Advertising Details
EMAg, The Magazine of Early Music America, is published three times per year in January, May & September and mailed to more than 2,000 members across the United States, Canada and over 20 countries internationally. Our readership is also widely expanded to individuals through our over 300 organization & library members. EMAg is one of the most comprehensive resources for early music and the only remaining English-language magazine dedicated to early music. It is available as a high quality, beautifully designed print publication and also as an online, interactive “flipping book” publication. EMAg is read by professional and amateur musicians, students, university faculty, ensemble directors, instrument makers, media personnel, early music patrons, and many more. Your advertisement appears in both the print and digital versions of EMAg, allowing you and your business or organization to reach a very targeted audience of early music professionals and enthusiasts. With the Flipping Book feature, the online publication now allows for click-through links as long as your ad’s URL is legible, giving online readers the ability to go directly to your site. We are excited to offer our advertisers this feature to help you or your organization expand your reach to the early music community!
ADVERTISING RATES (price per issue)
Placement | Width | Height | 1x EMA Member | 1x Non-Member |
Back Cover | 8.25″ | 11″ | $1700 | $1900 |
Inside Front / Inside Back | 8.25″ | 11″ | $1400 | $1600 |
Size | Width | Height | 1x EMA Member | 1x Non-Member |
Full page | 8.25″ | 11″ | $950 | $1100 |
2/3 Page vertical | 4.78” | 10” | $650 | $800 |
2/3 Page horizontal | 7.25″ | 6.61″ | $650 | $800 |
1/2 Page vertical | 3.542” | 10” | $525 | $650 |
1/2 Page horizontal | 7.25” | 4.92” | $525 | $650 |
1/3 Page vertical | 2.3056” | 10” | $425 | $500 |
1/3 Page horizontal | 7.25” | 3.22” | $425 | $500 |
1/4 Page vertical | 3.542″ | 4.92″ | $315 | $400 |
1/4 Page horizontal | 7.25” | 2.375″ | $315 | $400 |
1/6 Page vertical | 2.31” | 4.92” | $250 | $300 |
Marketplace horizontal | 2.31” | 1.53” | $95 | $110 |
To qualify for the member rate, your membership must be current before you submit your ad reservation. If you are advertising on behalf of an organization, that organization’s membership must be current to qualify for the member rate.
Advertisers are responsible for providing ad sizes to the correct specifications including the Mechanical Requirements listed below. Any adjustments may incur a fee. All measurements are displayed in inches. Subject to change. For an example of ad size, please click here. Please know, we encourage promotion of your organization or event but no direct fundraising asks can be included in your artwork
Magazine Trim Size: 8” x 10.75”
For full page bleeds: 8″ x 10.75″ with a bleed of .125″ Live area (safe zone) is 7.25″ x 10″
For full page non bleeds: 7.25″ x 10″
For 2/3 page bleed (3 sided): Live area should be 4.75” wide x 10.5” high plus .25” bleed on 3 sides (for a total of 5.125” wide x 11” high)
Live matter: Keep a minimum of 1/4 inch from trim sides. All copy subject to publisher’s approval.
Binding: Saddle stitch
Printing: Web offset, coated stock
Preferred formats: High resolution PDF/X-1a files with all fonts and images embedded. JPGs and TIFF files also accepted. We will not accept Microsoft Word files.
Preparation: Four color ad must be CMYK. Art must be at least 300 dpi for best print quality. Black & white ads must be grayscale. Files identified as containing RGB or spot colors as well as low resolution images will be returned to the advertiser for adjustment. Advertiser is responsible for resolution quality of ad submitted. Late art submissions as well as adjustments subject to an additional $60/hr charge. Ads that are not sized exactly may have their proportions changed slightly to fit magazine format. Ads that do not conform to other requirements may be returned to the advertiser for correction.
Payment is due 30 days from the invoice date and must be paid either online, over the phone or through the mail. If payment is not received within 30 days from the invoice date, a 5% late fee will be added to the total amount indicated on your invoice. We accept U.S. bank checks, credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX) or ACH debit only. We do not accept payment via international bank wire transfer. International payments must be fulfilled by credit card. An invoice will be sent from our office via QuickBooks.
As of October 2022, we will require a 50% deposit for the inside front, inside back or back cover.
If you would like to have us design your print ad, please contact for more information. Ad design services are based on availability and are not always guaranteed. Ad designs must be paid for in advance.
JANUARY 2025 ISSUE: Published early January
Ad Space Reservation Date: November 15, 2024
Artwork Submission Deadline: November 22, 2024
MAY 2025 ISSUE: Published early May
Ad Space Reservation Date: March 21, 2025
Artwork Submission Deadline: March 28, 2025
SEPTEMBER 2024 ISSUE: Published early September
Ad Space Reservation Date: July 2025–exact date TBD
Artwork Submission Deadline: August 2025–exact date TBD
Please note, the above publishing schedule deadlines for ad space reservations and artwork submission are subject to change and can be extended if necessary. For exact dates for each issue, please contact
EMA’s website tile offers you a time-sensitive and targeted way to reach the early music community. The content in E-Notes is redirected to our website. With our recent redesign, the web tile is displayed all throughout our site including features, reviews, news, EMAg stories, as well as all the membership pages. Web tiles rotate for one month and we allow up to three advertisers to rotate at a time. For an example web tile, please click here.
ADVERTISING RATES (price per month)
Location | Size | Frequency | 1x EMA Member | 1x Non-Member |
Web Tile | 500 x 500px | One Month | $425 | $550 |
Member vs. Non-Member Rates: To qualify for the member rate, your membership must be current before you submit your ad reservation. If you are advertising on behalf of an organization, that organization’s membership must be current to qualify for the member rate.
Link URL: Please also provide a unique URL to your site that we will link to your artwork. When someone clicks on this unique URL from our e-newsletter, it will tell you when someone has visited your website
Payment: Payment is due 30 days from the invoice date and must be paid either online, over the phone or through the mail. If payment is not received within 30 days from the invoice date, a 5% late fee will be added to the total amount indicated on your invoice. We accept U.S. bank checks, credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX) or ACH debit only. We do not accept payment via international bank wire transfer. International payments must be fulfilled by credit card. An invoice will be sent from our office via QuickBooks.
Ad design fee: If you would like to have us design your digital ad, please contact for more information. Ad design services are based on availability and are not always guaranteed. Ad designs must be paid for in advance.
EMA’s e-newsletter, E-Notes, is emailed 50 times weekly every Tuesday throughout the year (e-notes is not published the first week in July and during the week of Christmas) to more than 4,200 subscribers and contains important timely news, information, and events specifically targeted to our constituents. With an average open rate of 76% (industry average rate 40%) and a click-through rate of 7.5% (industry average 1.89%), E-Notes is a great way to reach an engaged audience who can visit your website with a simple click. We offer four ad options in each issue: 1 header banner, 1 mid-page banner and 2 mid-page tiles. For an example of E-Notes, please click here.
ADVERTISING RATES (price per issue)
Location | Size | Frequency | 1x EMA Member | 1x Non-Member |
Header Banner | 1,200 x 360px | 1 issue | $475 | $550 |
Mid-Page Banner | 1,200 x 360px | 1 issue | $425 | $500 |
Mid-Page Tile | 500 x 500px | 1 issue | $375 | $450 |
Member vs. Non-Member Rates: To qualify for the member rate, your membership must be current before you submit your ad reservation. If you are advertising on behalf of an organization, that organization’s membership must be current to qualify for the member rate.
Artwork: Advertisers are responsible for providing ad sizes to the correct specifications. Any adjustments may incur a fee. All measurements are displayed in pixels. Ads are accepted as high-resolution (72-96dpi) JPG or PNG files. Subject to change. Our image sizes cannot be adjusted, therefore, we highly recommend that artwork does not contain a lot of text as the image size would make the ad difficult to read. Please know, we encourage promotion of your organization or event but no direct fundraising asks can be included in your artwork.
Link URL: Please also provide a unique URL to your site that we will link to your artwork. When someone clicks on this unique URL from our e-newsletter, it will tell you when someone has visited your website
Payment: Payment is due 30 days from the invoice date and must be paid either online, over the phone or through the mail. If payment is not received within 30 days from the invoice date, a 5% late fee will be added to the total amount indicated on your invoice. We accept U.S. bank checks, credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX) or ACH debit only. We do not accept payment via international bank wire transfer. International payments must be fulfilled by credit card. An invoice will be sent from our office via QuickBooks.
Ad design fee: If you would like to have us design your digital ad, please contact for more information. Ad design services are based on availability and are not always guaranteed. Ad designs must be paid for in advance.
Sponsored E-Blasts are dedicated promotional messages sent to more than 4,200 subscribers and contain important timely news, information, and events specifically targeted to our constituents. We offer two Sponsored E-Blasts a month that are sent on Wednesdays with an optional follow up on Saturdays (E-Blasts are not published the first week in July and during the week of Christmas).
Sponsored E-Blasts consist of a single, full-width image or two side-by-side images containing all artwork and texts from the Sponsor. For an example of a Sponsored E-Blast, please click here. In this example, the supplied single image can be seen in the space below the message “A sponsored message from an Early Music America Partner” and above “This message is sponsored by (Sponsor name).”
ADVERTISING RATES (price per issue)
Location | Image Size | 1x EMA Member | 1x Non-Member |
Sponsored E-Blast | Single full-width image width: 800px min 1200px max Side-by-side images width: 500px min 800px max All images height maximum: 1200px | $800 (+$200 optional follow-up) | $1000 (+$300 optional follow-up) |
Member vs. Non-Member Rates: To qualify for the member rate, your membership must be current before you submit your ad reservation. If you are advertising on behalf of an organization, that organization’s membership must be current to qualify for the member rate.
Artwork: Advertisers are responsible for providing ad sizes to the correct specifications. Any adjustments may incur a fee. All measurements are displayed in pixels. Ads are accepted as high-resolution 72-96dpi JPG or PNG files. Subject to change. Please know, we encourage promotion of your organization or event but no direct fundraising asks can be included in your artwork.
Link URL: Please provide a unique URL to your site that we will link to your artwork. When someone clicks on this unique URL within the eblast, it will tell you when someone has visited your website.
Subject Line: Please supply your requested subject line text for your sponsored e-blast when submitting your artwork. The current best practice recommends 4-7 words or 40 characters.
Payment: Payment is due 30 days from the invoice date and must be paid either online, over the phone or through the mail. If payment is not received within 30 days from the invoice date, a 5% late fee will be added to the total amount indicated on your invoice. We accept U.S. bank checks, credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX) or ACH debit only. We do not accept payment via international bank wire transfer. International payments must be fulfilled by credit card. An invoice will be sent from our office via QuickBooks.
Ad design fee: If you would like to have us design your Sponsored E-Blast, please contact for more information. Ad design services are based on availability and are not always guaranteed. Ad designs must be paid for in advance.
EMA is one of the leading sources of early-music information on Facebook and Instagram, with 17,500+ Facebook followers and 5,500+ Instagram followers. Sponsored Posts consists of a single, square image, text of no more than 30 words, and a URL link. Each post will appear on both Facebook and Instagram and can be scheduled at 11am, 2:30pm, or 8pm U.S. Eastern Time. Advertisers may request preferred dates, however the number of available Sponsored Posts per week is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. For each View an example of a Sponsored Social Media Post.
ADVERTISING RATES (price per post)
Location | Image Size | 1x EMA Member | 1x Non-Member |
Sponsored Social Media Post (includes both Facebook and Instagram) | Square images only 500x500px min 1080x1080px max | $50/ea. Minimum order: 3 posts | $75/ea. Minimum order: 3 posts |
Member vs. Non-Member Rates: To qualify for the member rate, your membership must be current before you submit your ad reservation. If you are advertising on behalf of an organization, that organization’s membership must be current to qualify for the member rate.
Post message text: Please provide the requested text for your Sponsored Post when submitting your artwork. Post messages are limited to 30 words.
Link URL: Please provide a URL link that will be included at the end of your post text.
Date range per order: For each minimum order of 3 Sponsored Social Media Posts, posts must be scheduled within a 7-day period. e.g if post 1 is scheduled on Monday, posts 2 & 3 may be scheduled for no later than the following Sunday.
Artwork: Advertisers are responsible for providing ad sizes to the correct specifications. Any adjustments may incur a fee. All measurements are displayed in pixels. Ads are accepted as high-resolution 72-96dpi JPG or PNG files. Subject to change. Please know, we encourage promotion of your organization or event but no direct fundraising asks can be included in your artwork.
Payment: Payment is due 30 days from the invoice date and must be paid either online, over the phone or through the mail. If payment is not received within 30 days from the invoice date, a 5% late fee will be added to the total amount indicated on your invoice. We accept U.S. bank checks, credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX) or ACH debit only. We do not accept payment via international bank wire transfer. International payments must be fulfilled by credit card. An invoice will be sent from our office via QuickBooks.
Ad design fee: If you would like to have us design your Sponsored Social Media Post, please contact for more information. Ad design services are based on availability and are not always guaranteed. Ad designs must be paid for in advance.
Whether you are interested in print or digital advertising, EMA can create customized packages to fit your needs. Packages include advertising via all of our media outlets: EMAg, The Magazine of Early Music America, our website and our weekly e-newsletter, E-Notes. Receive a special discount with each advertising package- anytime, every time!
For more information on custom packages, please contact for more details and rates.
Advertising Contract Terms
These print contract terms are for space only. Content of ads may be changed with each issue. Early Music America may void this agreement if the terms and conditions for insertion of advertising in EMAg, The Magazine of Early Music America are not met.
Payment Terms: Payment is due 30 days from the invoice date and must be paid either online, over the phone or through the mail. If payment is not received within 30 days from the invoice date, a 5% late fee will be added to the total amount indicated on your invoice. We accept U.S. bank checks, credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX) or ACH debit only. We do not accept payment via international bank wire transfer. International payments must be fulfilled by credit card. An invoice will be sent from our office via QuickBooks.
Reservations: Contact Dina Bash, Assistant Director, at, by calling 412-642-2778 ext. 201 or filling out our online reservation form to reserve your print ad. Advertising confirmations via e-mail must still adhere to the terms of this contract.
Member vs. Non-Member Rates: To qualify for the member rate, your membership must be current before you submit your ad reservation. If you are advertising on behalf of an organization, that organization’s membership must be current to qualify for the member rate.
Changes: Advertising size changes can only be made before the ad reservation deadline for print ads. Changes made after the ad reservation deadline are not guaranteed, but we will do our best to accommodate a sizing adjustment.
Cancellations: Advertising cancellations must be made in writing via e-mail on or before the reservation deadline for print ads. If cancellations are made after the reservation deadline, but before the artwork deadline, the advertiser is required to pay 50% of the total amount due on the invoice. Cancellations made after the artwork deadline will incur a fee equal to 100% of the reservation total. Cancellations may be made prior to the reservation deadline at no penalty.
Artwork: Artwork must be sent via email and is due by the artwork deadline. If new advertising artwork is not received by the deadline, Early Music America will insert the ad that was most recently published. Please know, we encourage promotion of your organization or event but no direct fundraising asks can be included in your artwork.
Covers: Reserved Covers include the Inside Front, Inside Back and Outside Back. Cover pages are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Position: All ads except covers are run-of-book and placed at the discretion of Early Music America. Every effort will be made to meet placement requests, but positioning other than reserved covers cannot be guaranteed.
Conditions: The contents of advertisements are subject to approval by Early Music America. Placement of advertising in EMAg, The Magazine of Early Music America assumes agreement with all stated policies in these contract terms. The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement, insertion order or space reservations at any time. Rates subject to change. When new rates become effective, advertisers with a signed contract will retain their existing rates for the duration of their contract. Early Music America cannot guarantee results for advertisements appearing in EMAg, The Magazine of Early Music America.
These digital contract terms are for space only. Early Music America may void this agreement if the terms and conditions for insertion of advertising on our website,, or in our weekly e-newsletter, E-Notes, are not met.
Payment Terms: Payment is due 30 days from the invoice date and must be paid either online, over the phone or through the mail. If payment is not received within 30 days from the invoice date, a 5% late fee will be added to the total amount indicated on your invoice. We accept U.S. bank checks, credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX) or ACH debit only. We do not accept payment via international bank wire transfer. International payments must be fulfilled by credit card. An invoice will be sent from our office via QuickBooks.
Reservations: Contact Dina Bash, Assistant Director, at, by calling 412-642-2778 ext. 201 or filling out our online reservation form to reserve your digital ad. Advertising confirmations via e-mail must still adhere to the terms of this contract.
Member vs. Non-Member Rates: To qualify for the member rate, your membership must be current before you submit your ad reservation. If you are advertising on behalf of an organization, that organization’s membership must be current to qualify for the member rate.
Cancellations: Advertising cancellations must be made in writing via e-mail three weeks in advance of your selected publication date for digital ads. If cancellations are made outside of the three week window, the advertiser is required to pay 50% of the total amount due on the invoice.
Artwork: Artwork must be sent via email at least one week in advance of the publication date. Please know, we encourage promotion of your organization or event but no direct fundraising asks can be included in your artwork.
Availability: We offer four ad options in each issue: 1 header banner, 1 mid-page banner and 2 mid-page tiles. Ads are based on availability on a first-come, first serve basis.
Conditions: The contents of advertisements are subject to approval by Early Music America. Placement of advertising on our website, or in our weekly e-newsletter, E-Notes, assumes agreement with all stated policies in these contract terms. The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement, insertion order or space reservations at any time. Rates subject to change. When new rates become effective, advertisers with a signed contract will retain their existing rates for the duration of their contract. Early Music America cannot guarantee results for advertisements appearing on our website, or in our weekly e-newsletter, E-Notes.
These custom package contract terms are for space only. Early Music America may void this agreement if the terms and conditions for insertion of advertising on our website,, in our weekly e-newsletter, E-Notes, or in EMAg, The Magazine of Early Music America are not met.
Payment Terms: Payment is due 30 days from the invoice date and must be paid either online, over the phone or through the mail. If payment is not received within 30 days from the invoice date, a 5% late fee will be added to the total amount indicated on your invoice. We accept U.S. bank checks, credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX) or ACH debit only. We do not accept payment via international bank wire transfer. International payments must be fulfilled by credit card. An invoice will be sent from our office via QuickBooks.
Reservations: Contact Dina Bash, Assistant Director, at, by calling 412-642-2778 ext. 201 to create & reserve your custom ad package.
Member vs. Non-Member Rates: To qualify for the member rate, your membership must be current before you submit your ad reservation. If you are advertising on behalf of an organization, that organization’s membership must be current to qualify for the member rate.
Cancellations: Custom ad package cancellations must be made in writing via e-mail 45 days in advance of your first selected publication date. If cancellations are made outside of the 45 day window, the advertiser is required to pay 50% of the total amount due on the invoice.
Artwork: Artwork must be sent via email at least one week in advance of the publication date. Please know, we encourage promotion of your organization or event but no direct fundraising asks can be included in your artwork.
Availability: Please review the various print & digital options listed on this page. Ads are based on availability on a first-come, first serve basis.
Conditions: The contents of advertisements are subject to approval by Early Music America. Placement of advertising on our website,, in our weekly e-newsletter, E-Notes, or in EMAg, The Magazine of Early Music America assumes agreement with all stated policies in these contract terms. The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement, insertion order or space reservations at any time. Rates subject to change. When new rates become effective, advertisers with a signed contract will retain their existing rates for the duration of their contract. Early Music America cannot guarantee results for advertisements appearing on our website, or in our weekly e-newsletter, E-Notes.