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“The Baroque Violin & Viola: a Fifty-Lesson Course” (OUP) by Walter S Reiter

The Baroque Violin & Viola: a Fifty-Lesson Course by Walter S Reiter After more than half a century spent teaching and playing the violin, the last thirty of which have been devoted almost exclusively to the Baroque violin, the author offers this two-volume book as a gift to all violinists and violists curious to share […]

“The Baroque Violin & Viola: a Fifty-Lesson Course” (OUP) by Walter S Reiter Read More »

9th Jurow International Harpsichord Competition Winners Announced

Semifinals and finals for the Ninth Mae and Irving Jurow International Harpsichord Competition took place August 4-7 in St. Paul, Minnesota. The historic competition includes contemporary repertoire, continuo, improvisation, and performance of a Bach concerto with the acclaimed Lyra Baroque Orchestra (Jacques Ogg, Artistic Director). Semifinals were on Thursday, August 5, live-streamed from The Baroque

9th Jurow International Harpsichord Competition Winners Announced Read More »

Marin Alsop to Lead the Handel and Haydn Society in an American Premiere of Tracy K. Smith’s Adaptation of Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy”

(Boston August 9, 2021) The Handel and Haydn Society announced today that the August 27, 2021 concert at the DCR Hatch Shell featuring Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 will include the US premiere of a new text to “Ode to Joy” by former US Poet Laureate and Massachusetts native Tracy K. Smith, and that this historic

Marin Alsop to Lead the Handel and Haydn Society in an American Premiere of Tracy K. Smith’s Adaptation of Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” Read More »

Handel and Haydn Society To Perform Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, “Ode to Joy,” in Free Concert in Boston

(Boston July 27, 2021) The Handel and Haydn Society will celebrate the return of the Boston arts scene with a free concert at the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreations Memorial Hatch Shell on August 27, 2021, at 7:00 PM. The rain date will be August 28, 2021, at 7:00 PM at the Hatch Shell.

Handel and Haydn Society To Perform Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, “Ode to Joy,” in Free Concert in Boston Read More »

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