Early Instrument Exchange

A place for musicians in North America to buy and sell period instruments.

Listing an instrument is an EMA member benefit. There is no charge to list an instrument. Not a member? Join EMA today!

Listings are limited to period instruments (both historical instruments and modern reproductions). No modern instruments, please.

Please contact EMA with any questions

For more details and photos of instruments, please contact the seller using the contact email.

Caveat emptor – let the buyer beware. Early Music America is not responsible for transactions initiated through this page.

Facebook users may also find our group “Used Baroque and Early Music Instruments North America” helpful.

Current Listings

Baroque violin

Baroque violin (Modèle artistique à l’ancienne) made by Jay Haide in 2019, with new baroque bridge by John Delmonico. I played and loved it for 3 years, would love to have it find its way to a new loving home!
Asking Price:
Closing Date:
May 16, 2025

IN SEARCH OF: Prescott Renaissance Consort Recorder in G

I am looking to complete a Ren. consort set I started too late. This instrument is no longer being made and I am on the hunt for a used one. Price negotiable.

Asking Price:
Closing Date:
April 21, 2025

If you are a current EMA member and don’t see the submission form below, please login.

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Other places to find or list used instruments

American Recorder Society
Harpsichord Clearing House
Lute Society of America
Viola da Gamba Society of America
Instrument Builders

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