You’re invited to join EMA Summit attendees at Emmanuel Church in the City of Boston every evening of the 2023 Summit at 8:00pm for our Featured Concert series. Admission to all three concerts is included with Summit registration. Tickets for the general public are available using the form below. Learn more about the 2023 EMA Summit.
Tuesday, October 24, 8:00pm
Musicians of the Old Post Road “Into The Light: Unearthed Treasures by Christoph Graupner“
Experience the unveiling of lost works for flute, strings, and harpsichord by Christoph Graupner, an unsung German composer as legendary in his day as J.S. Bach. Concert also includes colorful selections by his Darmstadt court colleague Count Ernest Louis, his talented student Johann Fasch, and his good friend Telemann.

Wednesday, October 25, 8:00pm
Boston Baroque X-tet presents works by Haydn, Mendelssohn, and Lusitano

Thursday, October 26, 8:00pm
EMA’s Annual Awards Ceremony and Emerging Artists Showcase featuring:
- Marie Nadeu-Tremblay, baroque violin
- The Fooles, 17th century chamber ensemble
- Maryse Legault, historical clarinet, with Gili Loftus, fortepiano