September 2023

magazine cover with image of woman holding a flute

Included in the Full Issue

  • This Moment in History by Emery Kerekes
  • Rocky Mountain High Baroque by Jacob Jahiel
  • Asserting Her Voice by Rebecca Cypess
  • The Many Faces of Lisette by Ashley Mulcahy
  • Art of the Day Job by Genevieve McGahey
  • From the Publications Director: Snapshots
  • From the Executive Director: A Summit of Bold Ideas
  • EMA Courant – News from Around the Early Music Community by Paulina Francisco
  • Recording & Book Reviews
  • EMAg Puzzle by Joshua Kosman
  • Musings by Thomas Forrest Kelly
  • Toil & Trouble by Judith Malafronte
  • Canto by Hannah de Priest

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Art of the Day Job

If you earn a living away from music, are you still a professional musician? There are many paths to a balanced career and life, but singers are often reluctant to speak about them.

Asserting Her Voice

The story of Angélique Diderot, talented as a keyboardist and composer, involves a famous father, a distinguished teacher, and a quirky treatise. It’s a glimpse into how women in early modern Europe broke a taboo and learned to compose.

Revivals Go ’Round and ’Round

‘Early music’ gets revived anew every few generations. What can an earlier revival teach us about our current revival;s method and aims?

The Many Faces of ‘Lisette’

It’s a poem, a song, a history across geographies. The Lisette Project uses an old Haitian Creole song to explore questions of political power and cultural equity. It’s part of a ‘fabulous, curious, and sometimes problematic mishmash’ from both sides of the Atlantic.

Rocky Mountain High Baroque

Where cows outnumber people, early music finds a foothold in the high Rockies with ensembles like Wyoming Baroque, Baroque Music Montana, and the Baroque Chamber Orchestra of Colorado. ‘Figuring out practical solutions for rural problems is a really Western way of thinking.’


Canto: Chance Favors the Prepared Voice

Reflections from a whirlwind summer of singing and travel: “It’s hard to be an ’emerging artist.’ Even though I’m working more each season, my calendar is a patchwork of jobs I’m constantly worrying over. The upshot of being young and ambitious is that my schedule is more flexible than established artists…so when last-minute opportunities come up, I can often say yes. Still, it’s hard to know what work to accept.”

Toil & Trouble: Where’s the Medieval Audience?

If medieval music is thriving in the U.S., why is it not on my radar? writes Judith Malafronte. Can early-music ensembles convincingly present music from the 12th to the 18th centuries, or do performers need to narrow their focus and cultivate a special audience? Is it smart to market the Ars subtilior repertoire to the Bach and Vivaldi crowd?

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