Baroque Music Montana presents the annual Period Performance Workshop in beautiful Bozeman, Montana, August 15-17. This year’s theme explores the commedia del’arte tradition and its musical context. Open to professionals, amatuers, and students age 14+, both modern & baroque. Classes in technique, chamber music, orchestra, and special topics lectures. Scholarships & housing available upon request. Registration due May 31.
Faculty includes Mace Perlman, actor, Lindsey Strand-Polyak & Carrie Krause, baroque violin, Kieran Campbell, baroque cello, Katie Lynn Stewart, baroque flute, and John Lenti, theorbo/lute/baroque guitar.
“Join Arlequino, Pantalone, and your Baroque Music Montana Workshop Faculty this summer for a workshop highlighting the intersections between the traditions of commedia del’arte and music of the 17th and 18th centuries. The workshop will include history, context and classes in the commedia tradition, as well as musical repertoire from the Italian peninsula and beyond that intersected with commedia. This summer, go behind the masks and join us for an intensive weekend of musicking and exploration.”