Música Antigua de Albuquerque will present “The Angels Sang with Mirth & Glee,” a concert of Christmas music from the Middle Ages and Renaissance, with voices and period instruments. The program will feature rarely performed music from earlier times in England, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. While the composers of many of the selections are unknown, some of the composers whose names we know are Michael Praetorius, Christopher Tye, Bartolomé Cárceres, Hans Leo Hassler and Gilles Binchois. The music will be performed using historic instruments, including the lute, vielle, rebec, recorder, gemshorn, shawm, vihuela de mano, hammered dulcimer, viola da gamba and sackbut. The performers of Música Antigua are Hovey Corbin, Dennis Davies-Wilson, Ruth Helgeson, Curtis Storm, Colleen Sheinberg and Art Sheinberg. Joining us for these performances is Kathy Wimmer, who will be reading selections from period poetry.