Contact Information
Miami, Florida
Early Music Skills & Interests
Flute, Harpsichord, Organ, Viola Da GambaEarly Music Affiliations
Advocate, Board Member -Other, Musicologist, Publicist, Radio/TV, WriterBiography
Sarah Davies, musicologist and organist, earned her doctorate at New York University (16th century lute and organ tablatures in Switzerland and Germany) and her masters at Rutgers University (Byrd’s Nevell Booke, 1591).  She has given papers at a variety of musicology and interdisciplinary conferences, nationally and internationally, and her work has been published by the IMS in Budapest, the University of Leuven, and New Grove.  She is a regular lecturer for the early music series at St. Luke’s in the Fields and for Polyhymnia.  As an organist, she has been heard on historical and historically-based instruments in the U.S., France, Germany and Switzerland, and recently performed on the early 15th century organ in Sion.