Contact Information
Rochester, New York
Early Music Skills & Interests
Clavichord, Harpsichord, OrganEarly Music Affiliations
Performer, Student
Hailed for his "solid technique… imaginative programming… tasteful creativity in registering orchestral textures" (AGO Charleston Chapter), Ryan Chan is recognized as a versatile musician specializing in organ and harpsichord. His passions for both early and contemporary repertoire, performance practice, historic/antique keyboards, experimentation and teaching define his musical identity. He has performed in notable venues including Freiberger Dom, Katholische Hofkirche in Dresden, Kerk Noordbroek in Groningen, St. Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle, Church of the Covenant in Cleveland and Syracuse University. He has been featured in festivals including Piccolo Spoleto L'Organo in Charleston, Oberlin Baroque Performance Institute, Rochester Early Music Festival and Skaneateles Festival.
In September 2023, Ryan won second-prize in the ‘XVI. Internationalen Gottfried-Silbermann-Orgelwettbewerb’, held in Germany, making him the first Hong Kong/Chinese organist to place in this premier European competition. He is the first-prize winner of the 2018 Arthur Poister Organ Scholarship Competition, as well as a finalist in the 2022 National Young Artists Competition in Organ Performance (American Guild of Organists). Upcoming engagements include solo recitals in Bremen Dom, Altenburg Schlosskirche, Dresden Kathedrale and St. James' In-the-City (LA).
At the Eastman School of Music, Ryan is pursuing a doctoral degree in organ under the tutelage of David Higgs. He holds a master’s degree in harpsichord, studying with Lisa Goode Crawford. He served as the VanDelinder Organ Fellow at Christ Church Rochester from 2020-2023, working with music director Stephen Kennedy. He performs regularly with Eastman’s Collegium Musicum, a baroque ensemble directed by Paul O’Dette and Christel Thielmann.
Ryan is currently based in Rochester, New York, USA.