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Berlin, Berlin
Early Music Skills & Interests
FluteEarly Music Affiliations
Amanda Markwick received both a double Bachelor’s degree (Modern Flute/French Language and Literature) and a Master’s degree (Early Music) from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A. Her flute professors included Kate Lukas, Thomas Robertello, and Barbara Kallaur. Awarded a Huygens scholarship by the Dutch Ministry for Education, Culture, and Science, to attend the Koninklijk Conservatorium in the Hague, The Netherlands, Amanda completed her second Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical flutes with Kate Clark, Wilbert Hazelzet, and Barthold Kuijken.
Amanda has performed and recorded with, among others, the Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra; the Bach Orchestra of The Netherlands; the Hong Kong Early Music Society; the Rheinische Kantorei and Das Kleine Konzert (Hermann Max); die Hannoversche Hofkapelle; die Lautten Compagney (Wolfgang Katschner); Cantus Thuringia & Capella (Bernhard Klapprott); Elbipolis (Jürgen Groß); and Cantus Cölln (Konrad Junghänel). She is an active member of several chamber music ensembles. With Barcelona Barroc, she has given chamber music and orchestral concerts in The Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden. She plays music of the 16th century with the Renaissance flute consort The Attaignant Consort. Music of the Renaissance and early Baroque is her focus with the Titans Rising Early Music Ensemble, for whom she is also co-artistic director of the Renaissance projects. With Ensemble Eloquentia and Trio Delta, she performs chamber music of the Classical period. As a member of Il Sussurro, she explores the quiet and nuanced colors of the early Classical flute in combination with clavichord.
Amanda has also participated in the Bloomington Early Music Festival, in Bloomington, Indiana, the U.S.A.; the International Harp Convention in Prague, the Czech Republic; the Corso Internazionale di Musica Antica in Urbino, Italy; the Casa de Mateus Festival in Vila Real, Portugal; the Festival Internacional de Musica de Cadaques in Cadaques, Spain; the 3rd Festival Internacional de Música Clásica de Ribadeo, Spain; the Early Music Festival in Utrecht, The Netherlands; the Köthener Bachfesttage, in Köthen, Germany; and the Trigonale Festival der Alten Musik, in Austria. She was invited to perform in the prestigious “Solissimo” series at the Magdeburger Telemann Festtage in 2022.
In addition to maintaining her performing agenda, Amanda is regularly invited as a guest lecturer, most recently with Amherst Early Music in Boston, Massachusetts, USA; at the University of Music and the Performing Arts, in Vienna, Austria; the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, The Netherlands; H.I.P.S.T.E.R. Ireland and the Irish World Academy, both in Limerick, Ireland; Renaissance Workshops, in Berlin, Germany; the Bauhinia Musik Haus in Hong Kong; and the Kuopio Conservatory in Kuopio, Finland. She was on the jury of the 2021 Baroque Flute Competition for the American National Flute Association. In 2013, her article “Advice for Traverso Beginners” was published by “Fluit” magazine in The Netherlands. With Kate Clark, she co-authored The Renaissance Flute: A Contemporary Guide, the first modern handbook for the Renaissance flute, published by Oxford University Press in 2020.
Amanda lives and teaches in Berlin, Germany.