Rylie Patching


Contact Information




Basel, Basel-Stadt

Early Music Skills & Interests


Early Music Affiliations



Rylie started playing Baroque bassoon at 13 years old under the guidance of Dr. Anna Marsh and regularly plays historically informed Baroque style music on both modern and Baroque bassoon. Rylie was a member of the Seattle Historical Arts for Kids – Early Music Youth Academy from 2022-2024. Some highlights from her youth include being the recipient of Early Music America's 2023 IDEA Workshop Scholarship, performing at Oberlin Conservatory of Music's Baroque Performance Institute, and performing at Amherst Early Music Festival’s Baroque Academy. In 2023 and 2024, she won several platinum, gold, absolute first, and special award prizes on Baroque bassoon for Best Young Artist, Best Baroque Performance, and Best Sonata Performance in seven international competitions: World Melodia Championship (2023), Carl Reinecke International Music Competition (2023), Debussy International Music Competition (2024), Best Classical Musicians Awards (2024), World Master Open Competition (2024), World Exceptional Musicians Competition (2024), and European Classical Musical Awards (2024).  Rylie has played for St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in Seattle, WA and Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Seattle, WA, and she has performed for Early Music Seattle and Northwest FolkLife Festival. Rylie is an advocate for early music/ historical performance education, and she has presented with Dr. Anna Marsh on Baroque style at the 2023 Meg Quigley Vivaldi Competition and Bassoon Symposium. After presenting at Meg Quigley, she saw the need for youth outreach and created “Y-415 Connection”, which is a youth-to-youth early music outreach platform on Instagram. Rylie currently attends college at the prestigious music conservatory Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel, Switzerland. She is working on a B.A. degree in historical bassoon performance under the guidance of Carles Cristóbal and Letizia Viola.

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