Personal Membership

This page is intended to create a new EMA Personal or Student membership. If you are renewing your membership, current or lapsed, please visit the Renew page. If you’re looking to start a Household or Organization membership, visit the membership page.

You may also download a membership form and join offline. We will email you a membership confirmation after we receive and process your form in the mail.

Choose a Membership

Student Members: to verify your current student status, please email a copy of your student ID to

Student members may also redeem a one-year complimentary student membership once during their course of study. Please email a photo of your current student ID to the address above BEFORE completing this form and indicate that you would like to claim the one-time complimentary membership offer. Once your eligibility is verified, you will be emailed a discount code to be used below.

Total Amount
Member Information
The email you enter above will serve as your EMA username when you log into our site.
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address
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