The North Carolina Baroque Orchestra
Directed by Frances Blaker
Musical Gems Celebrating Summer
works by baroque masters Bach, Rameau, Vivaldi and more
The North Carolina Baroque Orchestra(NCBO) performs baroque favorites to celebrate summer following their retreat at The Mountain Retreat Center in Highlands, NC.
NCBO is a nonprofit organization composed of professional musicians specializing in historically informed performance of 17th & 18th century music on period instruments, with a passion for Bringing New Life to Old Music!
Thursday, July 25th 5:00
First Presbyterian Church Highlands
471 Main Street in Highlands.
free and open to the public.
Friday, July 26th 7:00pm
Myers Park Baptist Church
1900 Queens Rd. in Charlotte
free and open to the public.
Saturday, July 27th 3:00pm
Presented by Friends of Music at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (Parish Hall)
520 Summit Street in Winston Salem
$20 suggested donation at the door
Sunday, July 28th at 3:00pm
Hayes Barton United Methodist Church
2209 Fairview Road in Raleigh.
free and open to the public
Your donations to the orchestra are greatly appreciated!
Questions? Contact Barbara at ncbaroqueorchestra@gmail.com