EMA Features

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Editing the Music of Barbara Strozzi

It is impossible not to feel uplifted by the story of a personality with such remarkable strength of character, who managed to fashion a successful career in spite of the constraints of an entrenched patriarchal society, masterfully combining musical abilities with skillful negotiation of the complexities of patronage and finance.

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Telemann and the Viol

From his 12 ‘Paris’ quartets, to his suites, sonatas, concerti and recently rediscovered fantasias for viola da gamba, Telemann’s ability to wear so many different guises and to be such a transformative figure has never been more apparent

Telemann and the Viol Read More »

A Night in St. George Hall

Roles assigned, costumes fitted, dances learned, songs memorized, and instruments rehearsed – the fifth and sixth grade students at St. George (KS) Elementary School present their Medieval- and-Renaissance-themed program, “A Night in St. George Hall. “

A Night in St. George Hall Read More »

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