Musical Calendar

Robert Wylkynson: “Salve regina”

In Robert Wylkynson’s “Salve regina” from the Eton Choirbook we find a brilliant example of the English love of extravagant sonority, here with a rich nine-voice texture spanning soaring trebles to plummeting basses. And the alternation of intricately figured, more intimate scorings with the full texture gives a very satisfying and dynamic contour to the […]

Robert Wylkynson: “Salve regina” Read More »

Johanness Ciconia: “Una Panthera”

Listening to Ensemble PAN’s interpretation of this classic Ciconia piece was one of the reasons I went to graduate school to study medieval music with Laurie Monahan. The music flows from inside out in the most organic, embodied manner. I haven’t heard a more connected performance of this piece since! Emily Lau Composer, Singer, and

Johanness Ciconia: “Una Panthera” Read More »

Johann Christoph Bach: “Mein Freund ist mein und ich bin sein”

“This was one of the first pieces that opened me up to the sonic possibilities of historical performance practice and period instruments. I remember being instantly captured by its sensuousness and the hypnotic quality of its repeating chaconne bass, perfectly deployed to capture “love-sickness.” One can hear instantly why J.S. Bach called his first cousin

Johann Christoph Bach: “Mein Freund ist mein und ich bin sein” Read More »

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