Carter Tholl, soprano
Institute for 17th Century Music at Queens College, Baroque Opera Workshop
I cannot speak highly enough about the level of instruction at the Baroque Opera Workshop at Queens College. Working with experts like Julianne Baird, Drew Minter, and Christa Patton in such a close personal setting was an incredible experience. In addition to performing a role in Cavalli’s L’Ercole Amante, I attended source work classes and lectures, masterclasses on baroque ornamentation, and baroque gesture and movement classes. I received private vocal and Italian coachings, and had the opportunity to sing with an amazing continuo ensemble.
These kinds of opportunities were simply not available to me in my graduate studies. As someone who has really begun to foster an interest in historically informed performance practice only in the past year, this workshop was the perfect starting place for me. The other students, faculty, and early music community at large has welcomed me with open arms, and I am so grateful to Early Music America and their Summer Workshop Scholarship for making it possible for me attend this summer program.